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The first homecoming celebration at UMBC was held in February 1976, after several false starts in the years preceding. The 1976 event included the Almost Anything Goes tournament, where student organizations competed against each other for prizes; a…
Although not UMBC's first literary journal, Bartleby is UMBC's longest running and continues to be one of our most well-known traditions. Originally based out of the English department, Bartleby has been published in several different formats and…
The groundbreaking for the Performing Arts and Humanities Building (the PAHB) in 2010 represented on-going work to increase the support, advocacy, and exposure of the arts and humanities scholarship at UMBC. As the reputation of the school…

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Prove It!, first offered by the SGA in 2008, is an opportunity for UMBC students to plan and execute projects to improve the campus experience. Project plans are submitted and the winner is given a monetary prize - which has varied from $10,000 to…

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The Joseph Beuys Sculpture Park was established at UMBC in April 2001 as part of a Baltimore-wide tree-planting effort. Designer and project coordinator for the Fine Arts Gallery (now the Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture) Renee van der Stelt…

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Philanthropists Robert and Jane Meyerhoff were approached by soon-to-be UMBC President Freeman Hrabowski about investing in a program focusing on African-American students in the sciences. The Meyerhoffs agreed and have continued to support the…
The groundbreaking for the Performing Arts and Humanities Building (“the PAHB”) in 2010 represented on-going work to increase the support, advocacy, and exposure of the arts and humanities scholarship at UMBC. As the reputation of the school…

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When UMBC opened, just a handful of buildings on an old farm, 30 miles from College Park and 8 miles from the downtown professional schools, the new faculty and first classes of students reported a sense of excitement at the possibility of the new…
UMBC’s campus leaders have continually looked to the future of what UMBC may someday become, as demonstrated by Albin O. Kuhn’s yellow notes pads, Calvin Lee’s Project 2000, and even Michael Hooker’s ill-fated suggestion at a new name for the…
From the first issue published on the first day of classes at UMBC, then under the title UMBC News, the student newspaper at UMBC has served to report, review, and document student and community life at UMBC. Known at various times as The Retriever,…
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