Kent State Shootings
On Thursday, May 7, 1970, students and faculty came together and took part in picket lines and teach-ins, and made speeches expressing their concerns. They called for a campuswide strike on May 8, counter to Kuhn’s announced resumption of classes. The rally ended with a march to the Catonsville Selective Service Board office and the Catonsville Armory of the National Guard. Among the speakers were Dr. Ben Kleinberg, professor of sociology (#43, top left) and many students. The demonstrations so polarized the campus, that when a truckload of National Guardsmen mistakenly pulled onto a campus road, there was a moment of pause while each side wondered what was happening. The presence of the troops added a dose of reality for the students who were still responding to recent events at Kent State University. In the midst of the confusion, the UMBC lacrosse team pulled down and trampled the tent set up as an information center for student political activities.