Excerpts from the Installation Address by Freeman A. Hrabowski, III. (for entire 10/06/2012 publication which includes this excerpt, see UARC 2013-005)


Excerpts from the Installation Address by Freeman A. Hrabowski, III. (for entire 10/06/2012 publication which includes this excerpt, see UARC 2013-005)


Since arriving at UMBC . . . I have come to appreciate the unusual combination of factors at work here: the enormous talents of the people, who care about our students; our focused academic programs, interdisciplinary strengths, and commitment to linking research and teaching; our youth and evolving status; and our medium size, ensuring us a critical mass of people and programs and a campus community where people know each other by name, and can feel special. . . . These same factors also allow us to have a distinctive vision for UMBC’s future. We will continue to strengthen and emphasize our arts and sciences programs, for the benefit of all our students. We will be a national leader in educating students in science and engineering, including minorities and women. And we will continue to focus on issues of diversity.”

-Freeman Hrabowski from his installation speech as president September 24, 1993


Hrabowski, Freeman A.


President's office records, Collection 50


excerpts from 9/24/1993, printed in 10/6/2012 publication


programs (documents); 11 x 8.5 in.


UARC 2013-005




Hrabowski, Freeman A., “Excerpts from the Installation Address by Freeman A. Hrabowski, III. (for entire 10/06/2012 publication which includes this excerpt, see UARC 2013-005),” UMBC 50th, accessed May 1, 2024, https://umbc50.omeka.net/items/show/1501.